The current version of FireHose defines three benchmarks:
Each benchmark uses a specific stream generator and a specific analytic, as discussed below. Multiple copies of a generator may be run to create higher-bandwidth streams, writing either to a single or multiple UDP ports. An implementation of the analytic can be run in serial or parallel (shared or distributed memory), so it may also choose to read from multiple UDP ports.
Currently, we advise running both the generator(s) and the analytic on a single (multicore) box. This will test performance of the analytic without bottlenecks associated with network bandwidths or latencies. However, the generators and analytics can be run on different boxes (across a network) which has the advantage that the box running the analytic will devote no CPU cycles to generating the stream.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A single FireHose generator running on a single core, may generate as much as 50 Mbytes of data per second. Since the UDP protocol means no receiver is throttling the sender, injecting the stream as UDP packets into a network can quickly saturate available bandwidth and have a negative impact on network performance,
This page has the following sub-sections:
Each of the generators can be built from the appropriate directory as follows:
% cd generators/powerlaw % make
The generator makefiles use gcc as the compiler. You can edit the makefiles to use another compiler or if some setting needs to be changed for your machine.
The serial C++ versions of the analytics can be built from the appropriate directory as follows:
% cd analytics/anomaly1/c++ % make
The serial Python versions of the analytics do not need to be built.
Other implementations of the analytics may need to be built in different manners. See the README in the sub-directory for those implementations for details.
For example the PHISH implementation requires you have the PHISH Library installed on your box as well as either an MPI or ZMQ library that PHISH uses. Once PHISH is installed, e.g. with the MPI back-end, you can type
% cd analytics/anomaly1/phish % make linux.mpi
to build the PHISH "minnows" that are invoked when a PHISH input script is launched.
The analytic makefiles (for c++ and PHISH) use g++ as the compiler. You can edit the makefiles to use another compiler or if some setting needs to be changed for your machine.
You can test any of the generators, without running an analytic, as follows. In one window, type
% nc -l -u 55555
Then in another window, type the following (for the powerlaw generator):
% cd generators/powerlaw % powerlaw
This should trigger a rapid output of packets and their datums in the first window. If you let the generator run long enough, it will print a summary message like the following, when it is finished generating all its packets:
packets emitted = 1000000 datums emitted = 50000000 elapsed time (secs) = 15.6978 generation rate (datums/sec) = 3.18516e+06
Neither the generator or the "nc" command will exit. Kill both of them with a Ctrl-C.
You can only test one of the anayltics by running it in tandem with the corresponding generator. The steps for doing this are as follows:
IMPORTANT NOTE: The order of these steps is important. You must launch the analytic before launching the generator, else the analytic will miss initial packets.
You can launch the C++ version of an analytic by typing the following (for the anomaly1 analytic):
% cd analytics/anomaly1/c++ % anomaly1 55555
You can launch the Python version by typing the following (for the anomaly1 analytic):
% cd analytics/anomaly1/python % python 55555
Instructions on how to launch other versions are given in the README in the sub-directory for those implementations.
The powerlaw generator is the one to use with the anomaly1 analytic. It can be launched in another window as described above:
% cd generators/powerlaw % powerlaw
As soon as you do this, the anomaly1 analytic should begin to find anomalies and print information to the screen. This should continue until the generator has emitted all its packets, which is 1 million (or 50 million datums) by default. (You can change this with a "-n N" switch on the powerlaw command if you wish.) This should take 15 to 30 seconds on a typical machine.
When the generator is finished it will print a summary of its generation statistics to the screen. The analytic should do likewise and should exit. The generator will not exit, so you need to kill it with a CTRL-C.
Note that not all of the analytics produce output as immediately as anomaly1. For example, there is a delay of a few seconds for anomaly3 to begin finding anomalies, due to its processing two levels of keys.
If your run does not drop packets, any version (C++, Python, etc) of each of the analytics should produce results identical to those in the results directory of the FireHose tarball. Those were run using a single generator for varying numbers of packets from 10,000 to 10 million. As discussed in the Generators section, you can set the number of packets via a "-n N" switch for any of the generators.
You can check if the analytic processed all the packets in the stream by comparing the "packets emitted" value printed by the generator to the "packets received" value printed by the analytic. If your run drops packets, you will likely get different output when comparing to the files included in the results directory. You can dial down the generation rate using a "-r N" swtich on any of the generators, which should eventually reduce the drop rate to 0.0. See the Generators section for details.
You can increase the stream rate by running multiple generators. The easiest way to do this is by running one from each of multiple windows. E.g. to run with two generators, launch the analytic as follows:
% cd analytics/anomaly1/c++ % anomaly1 -p 2 55555
And then launch the generators in each of two windows:
% cd generators/powerlaw % powerlaw -p 2 -x 0
% cd generators/powerlaw % powerlaw -p 2 -x 1
The meaning of the -p and -x switches is discussed in the Generators and Analytics sections.
If you launch both generators at (nearly) the same time, they will also finish at the same time, and the analytic will see a data stream arriving at (nearly) 2x the rate of a single generator. Again the analytic should exit when both generators have finished, and you will then need to kill both the generators with CTRL-C.
You will quickly find that launching and killing generators and analytics in different windows is tedious work. See the sub-section below about the script in the tools directory, which automates this procedure.
The default settings within the kernel of most Linux installations are not ideal for sending and receiving UDP packets at high streaming rates with minimal packet loss. The default buffer sizes are too small to prevent loss of data when there are "hiccups" in the system due to OS operations, e.g. swapping and switching between processes.
You can query the current settings for both send ("s") and receive ("r") buffers by the following commands:
% cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max % cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default % cat /proc/sys/net/core/smem_max % cat /proc/sys/net/core/smem_default
If they are only a few 100 Kbytes, you should set them to values more like 16 Mbytes, via these commands:
% sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max='16777216' % sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default='16777216' % sysctl -w net.core.smem_max='16777216' % sysctl -w net.core.smem_default='16777216'
You will need sudo or root privileges to make these changes. You should write down the original values if you wish to restore them after running FireHose benchmarks.
These buffer sizes assume you have adequate memory on your box that reserving 32 Mbytes for UDP send and receive buffers is not a problem.
This benchmark uses the biased-powerlaw generator and the anomaly1 analytic.
While it is running, this analytic should print information about anomalies it finds to the screen, one line at a time, flagging the key value as either a "true anomaly", "false positive", or "false negative". The meaning of these various flavors of anomalies is discussed on the anomaly1 analytic doc page.
At the end of the run, the analytic prints a summary like this:
packets received = 1000000 datums received = 50000000 unique keys = 85567 max occurrence of any key = 16713641 true anomalies = 34 false positives = 9 false negatives = 0 true negatives = 9645
If no packets were dropped, these are exactly the results you should see if a single copy of the generator produces 1 million packets (the default), i.e. 50M datums. See other files in the results directory for output from runs with fewer or more generated packets.
The number of unique keys (85K in this case) is out of the 100,000 keys the powerlaw generator samples from. See its doc page for details.
To produce an entry for the Results section, this benchmark needs to be run for 5 minutes, ideally with no dropped packets. The generation rate and number of packets necessary to do this will depend on which implementation of the analytic you use, and what machine you run it on. See the discussion below about the script which can help automate such a run.
This benchmark uses the active set generator and the anomaly2 analytic.
While it is running, this analytic should print information about anomalies it finds to the screen, one line at a time, flagging the key value as either a "true anomaly", "false positive", or "false negative". The meaning of these various flavors of anomalies is the same as for the anomaly1 benchmark, and is discussed on the anomaly2 analytic doc page.
At the end of the run, the analytic prints a summary like this:
packets received = 1000000 datums received = 50000000 unique keys = 34885815 true anomalies = 395 false positives = 87 false negatives = 6 true negatives = 102338
If no packets were dropped, these are exactly the results you should see if a single copy of the generator produces 1 million packets (the default), i.e. 50M datums. See other files in the results directory for output from runs with fewer or more generated packets.
Note that the number of unique keys, as well as the number of anomalies found is much higher than for the anomaly1 benchmark. This is because the active set generator samples from an unbounded range of keys. See its doc page for details.
To produce an entry for the Results section, this benchmark needs to be run for 30 minutes, ideally with no dropped packets. This is so that the expiration strategy for the hash table of the analytic is stress-tested. The generation rate and number of packets necessary to do this will depend on which implementation of the analytic you use, and what machine you run it on. See the discussion below about the script which can help automate such a run.
This benchmark uses the two-level generator and the anomaly3 analytic.
While it is running, this analytic should print information about anomalies it finds to the screen, one line at a time, flagging the key value as either a "true anomaly", "false positive", or "false negative". The meaning of these various flavors of anomalies is the same as for the anomaly1 benchmark except that they apply not to keys in the data stream, but to "inner" keys derived from their values, as discussed on the anomaly3 analytic doc page.
At the end of the run, the analytic prints a summary like this:
packets received = 1000000 datums received = 40000000 unique outer keys = 24005720 unique inner keys = 475860 true anomalies = 15 false positives = 2 false negatives = 0 true negatives = 5204
If no packets were dropped, these are exactly the results you should see if a single copy of the generator produces 1 million packets (the default), i.e. 40M datums. See other files in the results directory for output from runs with fewer or more generated packets.
Note that statistics are given for both "outer" keys (in the data stream) and "inner" keys (derived from the values of outer keys). As with the anomaly2 benchmark, both of these kinds of keys are sampled from unbounded ranges.
To produce an entry for the Results section, this benchmark needs to be run for 30 minutes, ideally with no dropped packets. This is so that the expiration strategy for the hash tables of the analytic are stress-tested. The generation rate and number of packets necessary to do this will depend on which implementation of the analytic you use, and what machine you run it on. See the discussion below about the script which can help automate such a run.
The tools directory of the FireHose distribution has Python and shell scripts which are useful when running benchmarks or when running the generators and analytics on their own.
The script can be used for the following tasks:
The most convenient attribute of is that it manages all the "processes" that are part of a benchmark run, namely one or more generator proceses and an analytic process. It launches them in the correct sequence, monitors and collects their output, and cleans up after they have finished, killing them as needed. A summary of the run is printed to the screen and a log file for later review.
As a simple example, the following command could be used to run the C++ version of the first benchmark at a stream rate of 5.6M datums per second (which requires 2 generators) for 5 minutes, to generate the results needed for an entry in the table of the Results section.
python bench -bname 1 -gnum 2 -grate 5600000 -gtime 5 -adir c++ -id bench1.c++
The output from the various processes are written to these files:
A single command can also be used to perform a benchmark run followed by a 2nd no-drop run and "score" the results of the 1st against the 2nd, to compare the accuracy. The scoring metrics are explained in the Results section.
Examples of using the script to perform multiple, successive benchmark runs for various tasks, are illustrated in the script, also included in the tools directory. For example, if you know Python, it is easy to write a loop in to loop over a series of short runs, each invoked with, that generate datums at different stream rates, to quickly estimate a maximum stream rate that can be processed without dropped packets.
The full documentation for and its options is listed at the top of the file, and included here. In brief, there is one required argument which is the "action" to perform, which is one of the following:
# gen = run the generator only # analytic = run the analytic only # bench = run a benchmark with generator and analytic together # score = score a pair of already created output files # bench/score = perform 2 benchmark runs and score them # 1st run with specified settings # 2nd run with -adrop 0.0
Then there are optional switches for the generator (all of which have defaults):
# -gname powerlaw/active/... = which generator to run (def = powerlaw) # -gcount N = total # of packets for all generators to emit (def = 1000000) # -grate max/N = aggregate rate (datums/sec) for all generators (def = max) # -gnum N = # of generators to run (def = 1) # -gtime N = minutes to run all generators (def = 0) # if non-zero, overrides -gcount # iterates over short test runs to reset -gcount # -gtimelimit N = time limit in short iterative -gtime runs (def = 10.0) # -gswitch N string = command-line switches for Nth generator launch # (def = "" for all N) # N = 1 to gnum # enclose string in quotes if needed so is a single arg # note: these switches are added to ones controlled by other options # note: -r, -p, -x are controlled by other options # note: can be specified multiple times for different N # -gargs N string = arguments for Nth generator launch (def = "" for all N) # N = 1 to gnum # enclose string in quotes if needed so is a single arg # note: default of "" means (localhost) will be used # note: can be specified multiple times for different N
and likewise for the analytic:
# -aname anomaly1/anomaly2/... = which analytic to run (def = anomaly1) # -adir c++/python/phish/... = which flavor of analytic to run (def = c++) # -adrop any/N = target drop rate percentage for analytic (def = any) # if not any, overrides -grate setting # iterates over short test runs to reset -grate # -adropcount N = use for -gcount in short iterative -adrop runs (def = 1000000) # -afrac fraction = drop -grate computed by -adrop by this fraction # to insure no drops, only used if -adrop 0.0 (def = 1.0) # -acmd string = string for launching analytic (def = "") # enclose string in quotes if needed so is a single arg # not needed for -adir c++/python # unless you need to change command line settings # required for other -adir settings # e.g. this script doesn't know how to launch a PHISH job # note: script will cd to -adir setting before cmd is invoked # -apost string = command to invoke to post-process analytic output into # expected format, e.g. to merge multiple output files, # treats stdout of invoked string as file content # note: will invoke command from within -adir directory
Finally, there are a few generic optional switches that can be specified:
# -id string = string to append to all output file names (def = "launch") # -bname N = which benchmark to run (def = 0) # if non-zero, overrides -gname and -aname # -table no/yes = if scoring, also output table format (def = no) # -fdir path = FireHose directory (def = ~/firehose)
If you don't want to use the "" tool, the simpler "" script can be edited to launch multiple versions of a generator (nearly) simultaneously. It is written for use with the "tcsh" shell, but similar scripts could be created for "bash" or other shells. E.g. you can run it by typing
% tcsh
Note that the script launches the generators in the background. You should see output from all instances of the generator in the window you run the script from. After they complete, you MUST be sure to explicitly kill each of the generator processes, else they may continue to run, unnoticed in the background. See the next section for further discussion.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Because a generator process does not terminate until explictly killed, it is possible for one or more instances of running generator to persist after a benchmark run completes. Because a running generator continues to send its STOP packets in an infinite loop, it will continue to consume system resources and may confuse an analytic the next time the analytic is launched (e.g. it immediately terminates without processing new packets).
An unkilled generator can results from several scenarios:
The best way to insure no generators are currently running are to type commands like this:
% ps -ef | grep powerlaw % ps -ef | grep active % ps -ef | grep twolevel
to identify their process IDs.
Then a kill command such as this:
% kill 93985
can be invoked on the ID to explicitly kill a running generator.