There are FireHose benchmark results for the currently defined benchmarks:
They were run as described in the Running the benchmarks section, on these Machines.
For each benchmark a table is shown below with the following columns of information:
Some implementations of the analytic will have multiple entries, e.g. if they were run on different machines, at different stream rates, or in parallel on different numbers of processors.
The "Packets" entry is the percentage of emitted packets that were received and processed by the analytic. Thus a value of 99.99% means that 1 in 10,000 packets was dropped. Ditto for datums since each packet contains a fixed number of datums.
The "Events" entry is a count of possible "events" within the stream for the analytic to find. Note that this is a function of how much data is generated during the benchmark run. Since each run is for the same length of time, runs at a faster stream rate will generate more datums and have a higher event count. Each benchmark defines what it counts as an "event".
For the "Score" entry, the value is meant to measure deviations from the correct result, either due to dropped packets, or invalid computations by the analytic. A low score is good and a high score is bad.
The score is computed by comparing the results from the benchmark run in the table to results from a run by the C++ reference implementation which is run so that it sees the identical stream from the generator(s) at a rate slow enough to insure no packets are dropped. The latter is considered the correct result.
Each benchmark defines how it computes a score, as discussed below. Typically one point is assigned for missed or mistaken events, so the maximum score is roughly that of the event count. But it's possible for the score to exceed the event count, e.g. finding no actual events and many incorrect events.
If the benchmark run completed with no dropped packets, it should receive a score of 0 if the analytic performed its computations correctly. The score will typically increase as more and more packets are dropped. How sensitive the score is to dropped packets depends on the benchmark.
There are at least 2 reasons why a no-drop run could result in a small non-zero score. First, when multiple generators are used, packets arrive at the analytic in an indeterminate order. This can alter the events detected by the analytic. Second, for benchmarks which use expiring hash tables to track keys, there can be small differences between the keys the generator keeps in its active set (and thus may emit) versus keys the analytic deems to be active. If the generator emits a key the analytic has already discarded, this can lead to a difference in a event counts (versus what the generator counts as events). Ditto if comparing two runs where the order of packets may vary between them due to using multiple generators. If the guidelines discussed in the Analytics section are followed for expiring hash tables, these differences should be minimal.
The "LOC" is a lines-of-code count for the files in the analytics sub-directories, including comments and blank lines. For frameworks like PHISH, only lines in scripts or code added to the framework to run the benchmark are counted; lines in the framework code itself are not included.
In all the cases currently listed in the tables below, we attempted to run the benchmarks at the maximum stream rate a particular version of the analytic could process the stream and still maintain a (nearly) zero drop rate.
This benchmark is discussed here and uses the biased-powerlaw generator and anomaly1 analytic.
The table lists results for runs of 5 minutes. A "K" in the table means thousand, an "M" means million, a "B" means billion.
Version | Machine | NGen | Ndata | Grate | Cores | Packets | Events | Score | Instant | LOC | Comments |
C++ | Dell | 2 | 1.54 B | 5.6 M/sec | 1 | 100% | 119 K | 0 | yes | 275 | none |
Python | Dell | 1 | 135 M | 450 K/sec | 1 | 100% | 18.7 K | 0 | yes | 190 | none |
PHISH/C++ 1/0/1 | Dell | 2 | 1.55 B | 5.5 M/sec | 2 | 100% | 120 K | 0 | yes | 520 | (a) |
PHISH/C++ 1/4/2 | Dell | 4 | 3.00 B | 10.0 M/sec | 7 | 100% | 230 K | 0 | yes | 525 | (b) |
The event entry is the sum of true anomalies, false positives, false negatives, and true negatives found in the correct result.
One score point is tallied for each key in each true anomaly, false positive, or false negative output of the correct result but which is not in the benchmark result. Likewise one point is tallied for keys in those 3 categories in the benchmark result but which are not in the correct result. Individual keys which true negatives are not included in the results (there are a lot of them), but the total key counts are. The absolute value of the difference between the true negative totals in the 2 runs is also added to the score.
(a) A 2-process PHISH run on top of MPI, using the in.anomaly script. One process reads packets, the other performs the anomaly detection. PHISH runs as a distributed-memory parallel program.
(b) A 7-process PHISH run on top of MPI, using the in.parallel script. One minnow (process) reads packets, 4 minnows re-bundle them by hashing the keys, and 2 minnows perform the analytic computation, each on a subset of the key space. PHISH runs as a distributed-memory parallel program.
This benchmark is discussed here and uses the active set generator and anomaly2 analytic.
The table lists results for runs of 30 minutes. A "K" in the table means thousand, an "M" means million, a "B" means billion.
Version | Machine | NGen | Ndata | Grate | Cores | Packets | Events | Score | Instant | LOC | Comments |
C++ | Dell | 1 | 3.42 B | 1.9 M/sec | 1 | 100% | 3.73 M | 0 | yes | 415 | none |
Python | Dell | 1 | 252 M | 140 K/sec | 1 | 100% | 432 K | 0 | yes | 290 | none |
PHISH/C++ 1/0/1 | Dell | 1 | 3.42 B | 1.9 M/sec | 2 | 100% | 3.74 M | 0 | yes | 660 | (a) |
PHISH/C++ 1/4/2 | Dell | 2 | 6.12 B | 3.4 M/sec | 7 | 100% | 6.80 M | 10 | yes | 665 | (b) |
The event and score entries are computed in the same manner as for benchmark #1.
(a) See the (a) comment for benchmark #1.
(b) See the (b) comment for benchmark #1.
This benchmark is discussed here and uses the two-level generator and anomaly3 analytic.
The table lists results for runs of 30 minutes. A "K" in the table means thousand, an "M" means million, a "B" means billion.
Version | Machine | NGen | Ndata | Grate | Cores | Packets | Events | Score | Instant | LOC | Comments |
C++ | Dell | 1 | 2.70 B | 1.5 M/sec | 1 | 100% | 1.12 M | 0 | yes | 495 | none |
The event and score entries are computed in the same manner as for benchmark #1.
The events detected by this benchmark, and thus the score, are quite sensitive to dropped packets, since a missed packet means an instance of an "inner" key cannot be constructed, even if other packets contributing to that key are received. Thus a low drop rate can still induce a poor score.
These are the machines listed in the tables above:
Dell = desktop machine running RedHat Linux, with dual hex-core 3.47 GHz Intel Xeon (X5690) CPUs. The generator(s) and the analytic were both run together on the same box.